Compressor equipment

Many companies face the problem of selecting different kinds of equipment in the optimum way while planning to purchase a compressor or compressor station. Indeed, selecting the appropriate compressor for solving your specific tasks is not an easy process, it is important to take into consideration a large variety of parameters: throughput, pressure, power, duty, conditions of service, placement type, kind and composition of operating gas, etc. The drive unit of a compressor may be composed of an electric motor or gasoline, diesel or gas engine and high-performance gas turbine plant.

It is possible for a compressor station to be placed:

  • on an open site under a shelter;

  • in an individual container-type enclosure;

  • in an individual frame building;

  • in a frame shop or existing workrooms of a customer.

The type of enclosure or building is always selected individually depending on the climatic conditions prevailing on site and process requirements.

Our company’s skillful specialists will help you to evaluate your needs appropriately and select relevant equipment for achievement of your earlier set goals and targets.

Klaster Trading House is offering all types of compressor equipment based on the most famous international brand names, which assures its maintenance-friendly characteristics and long service life:

We will be glad to establish co-operation with your company and help you to make your production facilities as economical and simple-to-operate as possible!